Will I Still Need to Use PDE5 Inhibitors After RejuvaFlow?

Phosphodiesterase Type 5 inhibitors have been used by millions of men around the world for erectile dysfunction since the FDA approval of Viagra in 1998. Soon after Cialis and Levitra came on the market. PDE5 inhibitors are often the first recommended treatment for ED. For many they are quite effective but for some men they begin to lose effectiveness after years of use.

How Many RejuvaFlow™ Treatments Are Needed?

Urologist, Dr. Lawrence Lykins explains how many RejuvaFlow™ treatments are needed for successful treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The patients undergoing RejuvaFlow™ treatments for correction of erectile dysfunction keep weekly appointments, one day a week for 10 weeks.  Each treatment lasts for one hour. the patient is placed on the RejuvaHeart™ device table and are then hooked up to the monitors with cuffs placed around their legs and thighs. 

How Does RejuvaHeart™ Work to Improve E.D.?

The definition of impotence is the inability to attain and maintain an erection adequate for vaginal penetration through mutual satisfaction of both parties.  When we first started studying impotence we believed that 90% of the problem was due to psychological  reasons and then over the years and within the last 10 years,

Impotence or ED?

RejuvaHeart™ and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be a very serious issue because it’s a marker of underlying cardiovascular disease, and it often occurs before heart conditions become apparent. Sexual relations are not only an important part of people’s well-being. From a clinical point of view, the inability of some men to perform sexually can also be linked to a range of other health problems,

How RejuvaFlow™ ED Reversal Protocols Relate to the RejuvaHeart™ Treatment

How Does RejuvaFlow™ Therapy Relate to RejuvaHeart™?

Dr. Steven Morganstern Explains How RejuvaFlow™ Relates to RejuvaHeart™

When looking at all the aspects of an erection, you will find there are many components involved. You have to have electricity, which is your nerves, you have to have blood flow which is your gasoline, then you have to have 2 cylinders which is in the shaft of the penis so that they become erect,

Studies About E.D. and E.C.P.

Men’s Health

As medical science has drawn closer and closer correlations between even early cardiovascular inflammatory disease, poor blood flow as well as the essential role of the endothelial system in producing nitric oxide, more urologists recognize that treating ED as a symptom of these underlying disease processes is a positive step towards treating the whole man in a comprehensive manner to reverse ED.

Short of breath

Additional Benefits From RejuvaFlow Therapy

Urologist, Dr. Lawrence Lykins Describes Additional Benefits from RejuvaFlow Therapy

I have had patients who have experienced additional positive side effects from having the RejuvaFlow™ therapy. One man in particular reported that before RejuvaFlow™ treatment for erectile dysfunction, he would get short of breath just walking up the hill to his mailbox. Now he is not short of breath and attributes to the RejuvaFlow™ treatments.