Coronary Collateral Angiogenesis

Coronary Collateral Angiogenesis

RejuvaHeart™ therapy is distinctively different from other common approaches to angina such as cardiac catherization, angioplasty, stent placement, and coronary artery bypass surgery. None of these procedures actually address the real underlying heart issue.

Build up of atherosclerotic plaques can prevent blood flow to the heart muscle, resulting in oxygen starvation of the cardiac muscle tissue.

Benefits of ECP Therapy

The benefits of ECP Therapy are proven in hundreds of clinical trials to be a safe and effective treatment for patients with a variety of medical conditions. External Counterpulsation Therapy provides significant improvement to the entire health system by restoring the delivery of oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. ECP treatments are low risk,

ECP Patient FAQ

FAQ about ECP

  • What does ECP stand for?

The acronym ECP stands for External Counterpulsation.

  • What is ECP Therapy?

ECP is a non-invasive, outpatient treatment for heart disease that is used to relieve or eliminate angina. During the treatment, blood pressure cuffs are wrapped around your legs, and squeeze and release in sync with your heartbeat,


External Counterpulsation Therapy (or commonly referred to as ECP Therapy) has proven to be an effective, non-invasive (non-surgical) treatment option for patients with a variety of medical conditions.

Potential ECP Patients are those with documented Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) that are comfortable at rest, but with varying degree of physical activity the patients can experience symptoms of:

– Chest Pain

– Shortness of Breath
– Dizziness
– Fatigue
– Heart Palpitations

External Counterpulsation Therapy is proven to deliver the aerobic exercise and peripheral benefits of intense exercise.

Overview of ECP Theraphy

External Counterpulsation Therapy (also known as ECP) is a safe, non-surgical treatment procedure that delivers great clinical benefits to patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease. External Counterpulsation Therapy has been around for decades dating back to the orginial research at Harvard in the 1950’s. The initial use of External Counterpulsation Therapy in the U.S employed a hydraulic mechanism that was later revised in China with today’s standard of inflating air (pseumatic) in a sequential format.