Coronary Collateral Angiogenesis

Coronary Collateral Angiogenesis

RejuvaHeart™ therapy is distinctively different from other common approaches to angina such as cardiac catherization, angioplasty, stent placement, and coronary artery bypass surgery. None of these procedures actually address the real underlying heart issue.

Build up of atherosclerotic plaques can prevent blood flow to the heart muscle, resulting in oxygen starvation of the cardiac muscle tissue. These clinical indicators are often characterized by the pain of angina and some loss of cardiac function. RejuvaHeart™ improves blood flow by improving blood vessel function as a whole by creating new pathways.

If you look at a heart you have 3 main arteries. Dr. Steven Morganstern explains that around these main arteries are small collateral arteries. These collateral arteries are not necessarily open. What the RejuvaHeart™ does, is it opens up those channels. So we can demonstrate that by showing the patient their heart with an angiogram prior to RejuvaHeart treatment and then show them what it looks like after. So after a patient goes through a certain number of treatments with the RejuvaHeart™, the arteries will stay open for a very long period of time.preandpost-e1414424921531-300x201

This occurrence, known as coronary collateral angiogenesis, has been studied and  well documented. The body is actually able to recruit existing small vessels and transform them into alternate routes for better blood flow. Instead of bypass surgery, with RejuvaHeart™ one can have a natural heart bypass. It is possible to live with blockages, while reversing the underlying artherosclerosis, through dramatic lifestyle changes, such as changing lifestyle and eating habits.

The fact that the body can naturally cause existing small vessels to be transformed as alternate routes for blood flow is possibly attributed to the increased production of endothelial cell formation. Increase in endothelial cells production is directly associated in response to exercise. RejuvaHeart™ simulates intensive exercise which in turn improves endothelial function and is then responsible for improved cardiovascular health.

Other studies have shown that reduced levels of vasodilator nitric oxide is evidenced in those with hypertension, erectile dysfunction, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart failure, atherosclerosis, aging, and vascular injury. Anything that increases nitric oxide will have a long-term beneficial effect on heart disease and angina, and will improve the circulation in your entire body. RejuvaHeart™ increases levels of vasocilator nitric oxide. Treatable conditions+

The recommended number of RejuvaHeart™ treatments is 35, and after a patient completes the series, the results can last 3 to 5 years.