Men’s Health
As medical science has drawn closer and closer correlations between even early cardiovascular inflammatory disease, poor blood flow as well as the essential role of the endothelial system in producing nitric oxide, more urologists recognize that treating ED as a symptom of these underlying disease processes is a positive step towards treating the whole man in a comprehensive manner to reverse ED.
Related Studies of Interest:
1. Effect of enhanced external counterpulsation on
medically refractory angina patients with erectile
Patients with refractory angina often suffer from erectile dysfunction. RejuvaHeart™, which uses the external counter pulsation protocol, decrease symptoms of angina, and increases nitric oxide release. To read this study+
2. Subclinical endothelial dysfunction and low-grade inflammation play roles in the development of erectile dysfunction in young men with low risk of coronary heart disease.
3. The Penis as a Barometer of Endothelial Health
Over the past 10 years, great strides have been made in the treatment of ED. In the past men were afraid to discuss this issue as there was such a stigma placed on the problem. Therefore, they often avoided seeking medical treatment for erectile dysfunction. Now it is known that many men have underlying issues that cause their ED that can have life threatening outcomes.
In the summary of this study it is pointed out that ED is, if fact, more than a quality of life issue. It can be an early sign of endothelial dysfunction, can lead to non compliance with medications used to treat the sequel of endothelial disease, and c can be a marker of endothelial disease progression. The penis is truly the barometer of he health of the endothelial system.
4. Enhanced External Counter Pulsation in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease-Associated Erectile Dysfunction. Part I: Effects of Risk Factors
The group of men in this study all had intractable angina caused by coronary insufficiency in the presence of coronary artery disease which could not be controlled by conventional therapy. While risk factors were present, the global efficacy and the overall patients’ satisfaction were encouraging. To read the entire study+
5. Assessment of Endothelial Function in the Patient with Erectile Dysfunction: an Opportunity for the Urologist
It has been established that 52% of all men age 40-70 suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction. In seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction, men are highly likely to seek treatment from a urologist versus their primary care taker. A growing body of research is connecting ED to the premier cause of mortality, cardiovascular disease in men. To read the entire study+